Honestly, how many times have you been pestered by credit card sales persons while you are doing shopping in some malls? Don't you find them annoying? I know they are trying to earn a living, sometimes its just damn annoying.
Imagine I have a credit card from ABC bank, and every now then I get approached from the same bank again and again asking me to apply credit card. Honestly, how many cards must I get to satisfy all these banks? I wouldn't mind having all cards from all banks, but the bottom line is that I have to pay for whatever I spent. Unless the bank is giving me free money, else, I won't even want a single card from them from now onwards.
Fed up with their undying ethics, I had come up with a 1 word solution to all these problems.
Simple, short and sweet. Then they will just walk away quietly. No more pestering. I find it quite effective against these card sales.
Try it out next time, you'll be surprised.